Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Visit of the praying mantis

Besides the cicada's visit to my home earlier this month, I had another unexpected visitor back in 8 August. This fellow stayed for 2 days. It was first located at the back of my mini fern forest (see red arrow).

Here is the full view of the uninvited guest --- an adult praying mantis with a light green shade.

Recently, I came across an article on this particular species of praying mantis, which led me to its scientific name --- Hierodula patellifera. It can be identified by the two white coxal spines at the top portion of the spiny front legs (see red arrow), which I happened to have a picture of this view.

The next day, it decided to go across to survey the Bird's Nest Fern nearby.

By evening, it started to roam around the floor of the living room. To prevent someone from stepping on it accidentally, I moved it to the Butterfly Pea vine at the balcony. The next morning, it was gone.

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