Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Penang rocky beach exploration

Brought my family to Penang for holiday last week. Our hotel was just by the beach. I did an exploration along the beach on the final day of the trip. The first creature that crossed my path was this Common Bluetail damselfly (Ischnura senegalensis) seen on the young leaf of the Canavalia cathartica.

Among the Beach Morning Glory were some leaf-footed bugs, which I had seen back in Singapore as well.

The side view from the same bug.

There was a rocky outcrop along the beach that look very seductive to me. Indeed, it was a great place with many plants that I had yet had the chance to see in Singapore. The only annoying thing was the furious and hungry swam of mosquitos.

This was a young branch of bright red leaves high up on the trunk of a Spotted Fig tree.  All the rest of the leaves were green except for this particular branch.

A tiny green caterpillar with a long horn-like tail was seen on a leaf stalk of an unknown plant. It is likely to be an early instar of a Hawkmoth caterpillar.

This might be a type of cotton-stainer bug although the all-black wing did not resemble the one commonly seen here. It was feeding on the young fruits of the Blind-your-eye tree.

The red underside of the bug.

Finally, two more caterpillars before I ended my short but fun exploration. The first one was feeding on the flower buds of the Christmas Bush.

The second one was feeding on the leaf of Love-in-a-mist creeper.

I did visited the Spice Garden and the Butterfly Farm but had not decided whether to show some pictures on my blog.

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