Thursday, 2 December 2010

Cicada in my home

It is common to hear the loud call of cicada in the wild. To actually locate it, you will have to focus your eyes intensely at the spot where the sound emits as its body blends very well with the shade of the branches or tree trunk. Furthermore, it will fly away before you get can get a closer look. To find one sitting on the kitchen floor is certainly not a common occurrence.

While I was in my room last Sunday evening checking on my photos taken earlier in park, my wife was anxiously calling out for me from the kitchen on the sighting of an insect. I thought it was another of those moths which were common visitors to my place.

Here is the lovely visitor.

A side view of the little creature:

It did not seem to have any intention of leaving until I place my finger close to it.

Speaking of cicada, I had once seen a molting in action at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (BTNR) in July 2010. The molting bug was clinging onto the back of a leaf with the newly emerged insect hanging from the mid-segment.

A full view of the freshly emerged cicada on the forest floor.

The remaining cast under the leaf.

Last but not least, an adult cicada seen in BTNR in November 2008 on a large tree trunk. I cannot be sure whether it is the same species as the molting one. However, it sure looks different from the one found on my kitchen floor.

I have another 2 more cicada pictures taken at separate occasions at Admiralty Park. They are similar to the species that visited my place. Kind of a good feeling to see cicada at home.

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